
Visual Recognition + LiDAR Contributes to AMR Innovation

AMRs gradually receive more attention from industrial users, saying it has the opportunity for AMRs to become a core component for industrial upgrading. In an era of blossoming AMR manufacturers, differentiation is the key to business success. ForwardX is an industry pioneer in AMR automation solutions, providing technologically advanced, easy-to-use, and flexible AMRs and comprehensive automation solutions for upgrading the warehousing and logistics industry. Please take a look at their winning points.

Visual + LiDAR technology helps AMRs become smarter

The prevalence of AMRs is even seen as the epitome of self-driving by the industry. Assisted by LiDAR, AMRs can accomplish the functions of environment measuring, positioning, navigation, object detection, obstacle avoidance, etc. However, LiDAR cannot be used alone.

ForwardX’s advanced vision recognition algorithms in its AMRs are also noteworthy. LiDAR provides the data conversion of optoelectronics, while the logic of the vision algorithm determines whether the AMRs are smart enough.

Based on its advanced technology and research strengths, ForwardX has equipped AMRs with an advanced Visual + LiDAR system after empirical research and years of sculpting. This makes AMRs smarter and more capable of improving the operational efficiency of the warehouse logistics industry.

ForwardX is always on the go

ForwardX will continue to innovate to help our customers gain new momentum in the marketplace while providing better-performing products that bring higher value to thier customers. Visit ForwardX’s official website to see more of the cutting-edge technology.

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